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René Graugaard

Sales & Business Development Manager · Valve Systems · District Energy

手机: +45 31 17 23 46
邮箱: reg@frese.dk

Thomas Heide

Sales & Business Development Manager · Cabinet Solutions · District Energy

手机: +45 31 12 94 65
邮箱: thh@frese.dk

Christian Skallerup-Børgesen

Sales & Business Development Manager · IoT · District Energy

手机: +45 60 77 98 57
邮箱: csb@frese.dk

丹麦 - 集团总部

Frese A/S

Soroevej 8, DK-4200 Slagelse

Tel.: +45 58 56 00 00

CVR 12375344

General inquiries: districtenergy@frese.dk

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Download Frese A/S Terms and Conditions of Limited Product Warranty

Kristian Kjeldgaard

Global Sales Director · District Energy

手机: +45 28 10 05 34
邮箱: kkj@frese.dk

Adrian Byrne

Key Account Manager · District Energy | UK & Southern Europe

直线电话: +44 (0) 7583 480 960
邮箱: adrian.byrne@frese.co.uk

Klaus Hestkjær

Sales Manager OEM Europe · District Energy

手机: +45 26 73 58 56
邮箱: khe@frese.dk

Lotte Holmgreen Jensen

Sales Support · District Energy

手机: +45 31 24 72 34
邮箱: lhj@frese.dk



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邮政编码: 315202

销售电话: +86 (0)574-86596968

询价邮箱: info@fresevalves.com

Leo Xia

区域销售总监 - 中国北方

邮箱: lxi@fresevalves.com

Daniel Han

Regional Sales Manager · District Energy | Middle & North-west China

邮箱: daha@fresevalves.com

Kerwin Zhou

Application Manager Energy Solution · District Energy

邮箱: kezh@fresevalves.com

德国 | 澳大利亚 | 瑞士

Klaus Hestkjær

Sales Manager OEM Europe · District Energy

手机: +45 26 73 58 56
邮箱: khe@frese.dk


Kristian Kjeldgaard

Global Sales Director · District Energy

手机: +45 28 10 05 34
邮箱: kkj@frese.dk


Adrian Byrne

Key Account Manager · District Energy | UK & Southern Europe

直线电话: +44 (0) 7583 480 960
邮箱: adrian.byrne@frese.co.uk