Frese Alpha



Frese ALPHA 阀门是专门为制冷和采暖系统设计和特别研发的,应用于系统的流量分配中。

Frese ALPHA 阀胆,第二代阀胆(Frese 公司的专利产品),也是Frese ALPHA 系列阀门的主要组成部分,在任何波动压差条件下都能保持流量恒定于设定值。

第二代阀胆的流量孔板可替换的这一专利设计,使其灵活运作,满足小规格的丝扣DN15阀门,到大口径的对夹式DN800阀门,无论是用于小型供热单元还是区域供冷系统,不受压差波动的影响,Frese ALPHA阀胆都能确保流量保持在恒定的预设值上。









Female/Female with 1” P/T-plugs

1200C, PN25, DZR

Category Frese no. Dimension Cartridge Price

DN Type

A 49-9001 15 Type 10, 11 and 20 11.90

A 49-9011 20 Type 10, 11 and 20 13.00

A 49-9021 25 Type 10, 11 and 20 15.40

A 49-9031 25L Type 30 and 40 25.60

A 49-9041 32 Type 30 and 40 28.80

A 49-9051 40 Type 30 and 40 30.90

A 49-9061 50 Type 30 and 40 37.00

Female/Female with 2” P/T plugs

1200C, PN25, DZR

Category Frese no. Dimension Cartridge Price

DN Type

A 49-9002 15 Type 10, 11 and 20 16.10

A 49-9012 20 Type 10, 11 and 20 16.90

A 49-9022 25 Type 10, 11 and 20 19.50

A 49-9032 25L Type 30 and 40 29.50

A 49-9042 32 Type 30 and 40 32.40

A 49-9052 40 Type 30 and 40 34.90

A 49-9062 50 Type 30 and 40 40.90

Female/Female with drain valve

1200C, PN16, DZR

Category Frese no. Dimension Cartridge Price

DN Type

A 49-9004 15 Type 10, 11 and 20 11.90

A 49-9014 20 Type 10, 11 and 20 13.00

A 49-9024 25 Type 10, 11 and 20 15.40

A 49-9034 25L Type 30 and 40 25.60

A 49-9044 32 Type 30 and 40 28.90

A 49-9054 40 Type 30 and 40 30.90

A 49-9064 50 Type 30 and 40 37.00

Female/Female with 2” P/T-plug and combi-drain

1200C, PN16, DZR

Category Frese no. Dimension Cartridge Price

DN Type

A 49-9005 15 Type 10, 11 and 20 19.50

A 49-9015 20 Type 10, 11 and 20 20.40

A 49-9025 25 Type 10, 11 and 20 22.70

A 49-9035 25L Type 30 and 40 32.40

A 49-9045 32 Type 30 and 40 35.50

A 49-9055 40 Type 30 and 40 37.60

A 49-9065 50 Type 30 and 40 43.90

Female/Female with plugs

1200C, PN25, DZR

Category Frese no. Dimension Cartridge Price

DN Type

A 49-9006 15 Type 10, 11 and 20 10.00

A 49-9016 20 Type 10, 11 and 20 11.40

A 49-9026 25 Type 10, 11 and 20 13.40

A 49-9036 25L Type 30 and 40 23.60

A 49-9046 32 Type 30 and 40 26.60

A 49-9056 40 Type 30 and 40 29.00

A 49-9066 50 Type 30 and 40 35.10

Extra services


D Special (non standard) marking on tags (Per valve) 1.00

D Cartridges mounted in valve (Per valve) 3.10