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We have made it easier to monitor and control the heating supply all the way to each individual consumer. Frese FLOWGUARD makes it possible to open and close the flow of each installation via the Frese FLOWCLOUD®

What is Frese FLOWGUARD?

Frese FLOWGUARD is a completely battery operated and wireless valve system, which can limit or turn off the flow in any liquid based heating and cooling installation. At the same time you receive continuous feedback on, among other things, pressure and temperature in the installation where the Frese FLOWGUARD is mounted.

Frese FLOWGUARD is monitored and operated via the webbased Frese FLOWCLOUD®. With the Frese FLOWCLOUD® dashboard you have one central access point to all your Frese FLOWGUARDS with access to historic graphs of pressure, temperature etc. You can operate a specific Frese FLOWGUARD as needed and even add information such as name, adress and unit ID. This is a simple and individual way of creating the neccesary overview.

Adding new Frese FLOWGUARDS to Frese FLOWCLOUD® is done simply and intuitively by scanning the unique QR code on each Frese FLOWGUARD with a mobile phone or tablet.

Sigfox ensures connection

Frese FLOWGUARD is an IoT product – a part of the so-called ”Internet of Things”. This means that the device can communicate electronically with its surroundings – in this case via the Sigfox network. Sigfox utilizes Narrowband technology or LPWAN, which is excellently suited for the very small data packages, which the Frese FLOWGUARD needs to transmit and receive. This network also distinguishes itself by extremely low power consumption and very long reach. The Sigfox business model is built on transparent subscriptions with fixed monthly rates per unit. This ensures maximum financial predictability for the customers.

Naestved District Heating Company is using Frese FLOWGUARD

Frese FLOWGUARD is already being used by Naestved DHC in Denmark where the solution has been retrofitted into 200 of their existing heating units. Frese FLOWGUARD was created in close collaboration between Frese and Naestved DHC, and there has been a great satisfaction regarding the development of the product. "The wishes we had were listened to. We couldn't wish for anything more", says customer manager, Arne Ulstrup, from Naestved DHC

Read about our work with Frese and Naestved District Heating here...



Nippel/Nippel (ekslusiv modulerende aktuator)

1200C, PN25, DZR

VVS-nummer Frese nr.

406748.103 53-1300

406748.104 53-1302

406748.304 53-1304

406748.106 53-1312

406748.206 53-1307

Nippel/Nippel med 2 stk. trykudtag (ekslusiv modulerende aktuator)

1200C, PN25, DZR

VVS-nummer Frese nr.

406749.103 53-1320

406749.104 53-1322

406749.304 53-1324

406749.106 53-1332

406749.206 53-1327

Muffe/Muffe (ekslusiv modulerende aktuator)

1200C, PN25, DZR

VVS-nummer Frese nr.

406746.104 53-1342

406746.304 53-1344

406746.106 53-1352

406746.206 53-1347

Muffe/Muffe med 2 stk. trykudtag (ekslusiv modulerende aktuator)

1200C, PN25, DZR

VVS-nummer Frese nr.

406747.104 53-1362

406747.304 53-1364

406747.106 53-1372

406747.206 53-1367

Aktuator til Frese OPTIMA Compact

Termo aktuator On/Off, Modulerende til Frese OPTIMA Compact DN10-20


406749.624 48-5520

406749.630 48-5521

406749.674 48-5522

406749.684 48-5523

Elektrisk modulerende aktuator til Frese OPTIMA Compact DN10-20


406749.424 53-1056

406749.460 53-1058

Isoleringskappe til Frese OPTIMA Compact

Isoleringskappe EPS, medietemperatur max 800C


406749.920 38-0855

Frese OPTIMA Compact

Trykuafhængig strengsregulerings- og motorventil

PICV - Designet til at kombinere dynamisk regulering og fuld modulerende kontrol uanset forindstillet flow.

Det innovative design af Frese OPTIMA Compact PICV introducerer en intelligent motorventil, som kan forindstilles til et ønsket max. flow og sikre fuld modulerende kontrol. Selv med forskellige forindstillinger bevarer man den fulde slaglængde, hvilket giver en mere nøjagtig regulering.

Den indbyggede differenstrykregulator giver en 100 % modulerende kontrol, hvilket sikrer en optimal komfort og stabil drift. Samtidig opnår man store energibesparelser, da ventilen automatisk regulerer til netop det flow, der er behov for. Frese OPTIMA Compact PICV kombinerer alle funktioner - og gør dermed arbejdet lettere for rådgivere og installatører.

Frese OPTIMA Compact PICV anvendes i varme- og køleanlæg i applikationer med fan coil units, airconditionanlæg samt veksler- og blandesløjfeanlæg. Ventilen giver modulerende regulering med fuld autoritet uafhængigt af variationer i anlæggets differenstryk. Frese OPTIMA Compact PICV kombinerer en eksternt justerbar dynamisk reguleringsventil, en differenstryksregulator samt en modulerende motorventil med fuld autoritet. Den fulde styring af flowet i bygningen opnås let og samtidig skabes en høj grad af komfort og energibesparelser. Desuden kræves der ingen regulering, hvis yderligere trin føjes til anlægget, eller den dimensionerede kapacitet ændres. Energibesparelser opnås via optimal styring, lavere flow og pumpetryk. Maksimering af ΔT som følge af hurtigere reaktionstid og øget systemstabilitet.




